How to Change Background on Google Meet

How to Change Background on Google Meet

How to Change Background on Google Meet

In recent years, video conferencing has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with colleagues, friends, and family members around the world. One popular video conferencing platform that has gained significant traction is Google Meet. With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other Google services, Google Meet has become a go-to choice for virtual meetings. In addition to its core features, Google Meet also offers the ability to change your background, adding a touch of personalization and creativity to your virtual meetings. In this article, we will guide you through the process of changing your background on Google Meet, step-by-step.

Before we dive into the details, it's important to note that the ability to change your background on Google Meet is not available natively within the platform itself. However, several third-party tools and browser extensions can help you achieve this feature. One such tool is the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension, which is available for the Google Chrome browser. To get started, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Google Chrome Web Browser and Navigate to the Chrome Web Store

To begin, open the Google Chrome browser on your computer and navigate to the Chrome Web Store. You can do this by typing "chrome://extensions" in the address bar and hitting Enter. Once you are on the Chrome Web Store, you can search for the "Virtual Background for Google Meet" extension using the search bar at the top left corner of the page.

Step 2: Install the Virtual Background for Google Meet Extension

Once you have located the "Virtual Background for Google Meet" extension, click on it to open the extension's page. On the extension's page, click on the "Add to Chrome" button to install the extension. A pop-up window will appear, asking for confirmation to add the extension. To proceed with the installation, Tap on the "Add extension" button

Step 3: Grant Necessary Permissions

After the installation is complete, you will see a new icon added to your browser's toolbar. To open the extension's settings, tap on the extension icon which can be found at the top right section of the page. The first time you use the extension, you will be prompted to grant the necessary permissions for it to function properly. To grant the necessary permissions, you just have to stick to the on-screen instruction

Step 4: Choose a Background Image or Upload Your Own

Once you have granted the necessary permissions, you can now choose a background image for your Google Meet calls. The extension provides you with a range of pre-selected background images to choose from. Simply click on the background image of your choice to apply it. If you prefer to use your own custom background image, you can click on the "Upload Image" button and select the image file from your computer.

Step 5: Test Your Background

To ensure that your chosen background is working correctly, join a Google Meet call or start a test call to check how the background appears. You can start a test call by visiting the Google Meet website ( and clicking on the "New Meeting" button. Once you are on the call, check if your background is displayed correctly. If everything looks good, you are ready to use your new background in your Google Meet calls.

Step 6: Customize and Adjust Your Background

The Virtual Background for Google Meet extension offers additional features to customize and adjust your background according to your preferences. By clicking on the extension icon in your browser's toolbar, you can access these features. Some of the customization options include adjusting the blur level, brightness, and contrast of your background image. Play around with these settings to find the perfect look for your virtual meetings.

Step 7: Troubleshooting Tips While using the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension, you may encounter some issues or challenges. Some tips are Outlined below to help you resolve different issues:

Few tips to help you resolve different issues:

Ensure the Extension is Enabled: Sometimes, browser extensions can be disabled accidentally. Make sure that the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension is enabled in your browser's extensions settings.

Clear Browser Cache: Clearing your browser's cache can often resolve issues with extensions. To clear your browser cache, Navigate to your web browsing setting and locate the clear browsing data panel Select the appropriate options and clear your cache.

Update the Extension: Developers frequently release updates to improve functionality and fix bugs. Check for updates to the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension in the Chrome Web Store and ensure that you have the latest version installed.

Disable Conflicting Extensions: Some extensions may conflict with the Virtual Background for the Google Meet extension, causing unexpected behavior. Temporarily disable other extensions one by one to identify if any conflicts are occurring.

Restart Your Browser: If you're experiencing issues with the extension, try restarting your browser. Restating our browser can restore Google Meet functionality

Check System Requirements: Ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for running the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension. Outdated hardware or incompatible operating systems can cause compatibility issues.

Contact Extension Support: If you've tried all the troubleshooting steps and are still encountering problems, reach out to the support team behind the Virtual Background for the Google Meet extension.

Remember, the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension is just one of many tools available for changing your background on Google Meet. It's always a good idea to explore other options and extensions to find the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Exploring Other Background Options for Google Meet

While the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension provides a convenient way to change your background on Google Meet, there are other options worth exploring as well. In this section, we will discuss some alternative methods and tools that can help you customize your Google Meet background.

Snap Camera: Snap Camera is a desktop application developed by Snapchat that allows you to apply various augmented reality (AR) filters and backgrounds to your webcam feed.

Stick to the steps outlined below to use Snap Camera with Google Meet

Download and install Snap Camera from the Snap Camera website (

Open Snap Camera and select a background or filter of your choice.

Open Google Meet in your browser and select Snap Camera as your video input device.

Your chosen background or filter will now be applied to your Google Meet calls.

Snap Camera offers a wide range of fun and creative backgrounds, making your Google Meet calls visually appealing and entertaining.

ChromaCam: ChromaCam is another popular tool for changing backgrounds in video calls. It provides real-time background removal and replacement features, allowing you to replace your background with an image or a video. Follow these steps to use ChromaCam with Google Meet:

Download and install ChromaCam from the ChromaCam website (chroma-cam. me).

Open ChromaCam and select the "Virtual Background" option.

Choose a background from the provided options or upload your own image or video.

Open Google Meet in your browser and select ChromaCam as your video input device.

Your selected background will now appear in your Google Meet calls.

ChromaCam offers a variety of backgrounds and customization options, enabling you to create a professional or fun atmosphere in your virtual meetings.

OBS Studio: For users seeking more advanced customization options, OBS Studio is a powerful open-source software commonly used for live streaming and video production. By utilizing OBS Studio, you can create custom scenes and backgrounds for Google Meet calls. Here's a general overview of how to set it up:

Download and install OBS Studio from the OBS Project website (

Set up a scene in OBS Studio by adding a video or image source as your desired background.

Configure your scene layout and make adjustments as needed.

Open Google Meet in your browser and select OBS Virtual Camera as your video input device.

Your OBS Studio scene, including the custom background, will now be displayed in your Google Meet calls.

OBS Studio provides extensive customization options, making it suitable for users who want to create professional and highly personalized backgrounds for their Google Meet sessions.

Remember to explore these alternative options and choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences. Each tool offers unique features and customization capabilities, allowing you to create engaging and visually appealing backgrounds for your Google Meet calls.

Additional Tips for a Great Background Experience:

Lighting: Ensure that you have good lighting in your environment. Well-lit spaces help the background removal technology to work more effectively, resulting in a cleaner and more seamless virtual background experience.

Background Selection: Choose backgrounds that are appropriate for the context of your meetings. Opt for professional backgrounds in work-related meetings, while you can have more fun and creative backgrounds in casual or social gatherings.

Test and Adjust: Before joining an important Google Meet call, take some time to test your chosen background and make any necessary adjustments. This ensures that you are confident and comfortable with your setup, preventing any last-minute surprises.

As you experiment with different tools and methods, keep in mind a few additional tips for a great background experience:

Mind your surroundings: Choose a physical space that complements your background. Ensure that your surroundings are tidy and free from distractions. A clutter-free and visually appealing environment can enhance the overall aesthetic of your video calls.

Consider your audience: When selecting backgrounds, consider the preferences and expectations of your audience. In professional settings, opt for backgrounds that are appropriate for the context and maintain a level of professionalism. In social or casual gatherings, feel free to experiment with more creative and relaxed backgrounds.

Pay attention to lighting: Good lighting is crucial for an optimal background experience. Ensure that you have adequate lighting in your space to avoid shadows or poor visibility. Natural light or well-positioned artificial lighting can significantly improve the overall quality of your video.

Test and adjust: Before joining an important meeting or event, it's essential to test your chosen background and make any necessary adjustments. This allows you to ensure that the background appears as intended and that there are no technical issues or distractions during your call.

Familiarize yourself with the features: Take the time to explore the features and customization options offered by the tools you choose. Familiarize yourself with the settings, such as adjusting blur levels, brightness, or contrast. This way, you can fine-tune your background to achieve the desired effect.

By implementing these tips and exploring different tools, you can enhance your Google Meet experience and make your video calls more engaging, professional, or entertaining, depending on the context.

Remember that the availability and compatibility of these tools may vary based on your device, operating system, and browser. Always refer to the official documentation, websites, or support channels of the respective tools for the most up-to-date information and instructions.

As technology continues to evolve, new options and features for changing backgrounds on Google Meet will likely emerge. Stay updated with the latest advancements, explore new tools, and keep refining your virtual background setup to create memorable and impactful video conferencing experiences.

[III] Making the Most of Your Background on Google Meet

Now that you have learned how to change your background on Google Meet and explored alternative tools and methods, let's delve deeper into some tips and best practices to make the most of your background customization. These insights will help you create a professional, engaging, and visually appealing environment for your Google Meet calls.

Choose Suitable Backgrounds: Selecting appropriate backgrounds is key to creating the right atmosphere for your meetings. Consider the purpose and tone of the meeting, as well as the preferences of your audience. Here are a few ideas:

Professional Backgrounds: Opt for clean and neutral backgrounds, such as a home office setup, a corporate setting, or a subtle patterned backdrop. These backgrounds convey professionalism and maintain a focused environment.

Branding and Logos: If you represent a company or organization, consider adding your logo or branding elements to your background. This helps reinforce your brand identity and create a cohesive visual experience for participants.

Nature and Landscapes: Nature-themed backgrounds, such as serene landscapes or calming seascapes, can evoke a sense of tranquility and relaxation. These backgrounds can be ideal for team-building activities or wellness-focused meetings.

Virtual Background Templates: Explore online resources that offer pre-designed virtual background templates. These templates often feature customizable elements, allowing you to add text, graphics, or images relevant to your meeting topic or event.

Always ensure that there is a balance between professionalism and creativity Your background should enhance the meeting experience without distracting or overshadowing the content of your discussion.

Maintain Consistency: If you frequently use Google Meet for meetings within the same group or organization, consider establishing a consistent background theme. This helps create a cohesive visual identity and reinforces your brand or team culture. Consistency can be achieved by using similar colors, patterns, or images in your backgrounds. By doing so, you create a recognizable and professional impression that aligns with your organization's values and objectives.

Pay Attention to Image Quality: Ensure that the background image you choose is high-resolution and properly sized. Low-quality or pixelated images can detract from the overall visual experience and appear unprofessional. When selecting or creating backgrounds, aim for clear and crisp visuals to maintain a polished and engaging appearance.

Test for Visibility and Legibility: Before using a background in a live meeting, test its visibility and legibility. If you plan to display text, charts, or graphics during your presentation, make sure they are easily readable against the background. Adjust the contrast, brightness, or blur levels if necessary to optimize visibility.

Minimize Distractions: While background customization can add visual interest, it's important to avoid excessive distractions that may hinder communication or focus. To minimize distraction, take note of the below tips

      Avoid busy or cluttered backgrounds that can draw attention away from the meeting content.

      Choose backgrounds with muted colors or subtle patterns to maintain a calm and professional atmosphere.

      If using video backgrounds, ensure that the motion is subtle and not overly distracting.

      Pay attention to the scale and positioning of elements in your background to maintain visual balance.

      The goal is to create an environment that supports engagement and collaboration rather than diverting attention from the main purpose of the meeting.

Communicate Background Expectations: If you are hosting a meeting where participants are expected to use customized backgrounds, communicate this expectation in advance. Provide guidelines or suggestions regarding suitable backgrounds, image dimensions, or any specific requirements to ensure a consistent and professional appearance for everyone. Clear communication helps to align participants' efforts and maintain a cohesive meeting environment.

Be Mindful of Cultural Sensitivities: When selecting or designing backgrounds, be mindful of cultural sensitivities and diverse perspectives. Avoid using images or symbols that may be offensive, disrespectful, or exclusionary to certain cultures or groups. It's important to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and comfortable. If in doubt, opt for neutral and universally appealing backgrounds that can be appreciated by all participants.

Experiment with Virtual Background Effects: Some tools and applications offer additional effects and filters that can further enhance your background experience. For example, you may have the option to add virtual avatars, face filters, or augmented reality (AR) effects. These features can add a touch of fun and creativity to your meetings, making them more engaging and memorable. However, use these effects judiciously and consider the appropriateness for the specific meeting or audience.

Exploring the Future of Background Customization on Google Meet

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further advancements and enhancements in background customization on Google Meet. Here are some likely developments to expect in the future:

Native Background Customization Feature: Google Meet may introduce a native background customization feature, eliminating the need for third-party tools or extensions. This would provide users with a seamless and integrated experience, allowing them to easily change their backgrounds without relying on external applications.

Expanded Background Library: In the future, Google may expand its library of default background options, offering a wider range of choices for users. This would enable individuals to personalize their meetings with a variety of professional, scenic, or creative backgrounds without the need for external tools.

Intelligent Background Detection and Adjustment: To further improve the background customization experience, Google Meet could incorporate advanced algorithms and machine learning to detect and adjust the background automatically. This would enhance the accuracy of background removal, even in challenging lighting or environmental conditions.

Custom Background Uploads: Allowing users to upload their own custom backgrounds directly within Google Meet would be a valuable addition. This feature would provide greater flexibility and enable individuals to use company logos, custom designs, or event-specific backgrounds to enhance branding and engagement.

Collaboration-Focused Backgrounds: As remote collaboration continues to increase, there may be a rise in collaboration-focused backgrounds. These backgrounds could include interactive elements, virtual whiteboards, or shared screens that enhance teamwork and productivity during virtual meetings.

Virtual Reality Integration: With the growing popularity of virtual reality (VR) technology, Google Meet may explore integration with VR platforms. This could enable participants to join meetings in virtual environments, allowing for immersive and engaging interactions.

Enhanced Customization Options: Future updates may bring additional customization options, such as the ability to adjust background opacity, apply filters or effects, or even create dynamic backgrounds that change during the meeting. These features would add a new dimension of creativity and personalization to the background customization experience.

Improved Mobile Support: As mobile devices play a significant role in remote communication, optimizing background customization for mobile platforms would be beneficial. This would enable users to change their backgrounds seamlessly from their smartphones or tablets, providing a consistent experience across different devices.

It's important to note that these potential developments are speculative and based on emerging trends in video conferencing technology. While Google and other developers may introduce some or all of these features, the timeline and exact implementation may vary.


Customizing your background on Google Meet is a fantastic way to enhance your video conferencing experience. Whether you're looking to add a touch of professionalism, create a visually engaging atmosphere, or simply inject some fun into your meetings, changing your background can make a significant difference.

In this article, we explored various methods and tools to change your background on Google Meet. We discussed the step-by-step process of using the Virtual Background for Google Meet extension and highlighted alternative tools like Snap Camera, ChromaCam, and OBS Studio. These tools offer a range of customization options, from virtual backgrounds to video overlays, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your needs.

We also provided essential tips and best practices to help you make the most of your background customization. From choosing suitable backgrounds and maintaining consistency to paying attention to image quality and minimizing distractions, these guidelines will help you create a professional, engaging, and visually appealing environment for your Google Meet calls.

Furthermore, we discussed the potential future developments in background customization on Google Meet. As technology advances, we can expect native background customization features, expanded background libraries, intelligent background detection, and a host of other exciting enhancements that will further elevate the video conferencing experience.

Remember to always be mindful of your surroundings, consider your audience, and test your chosen background before important meetings. By following these practices and staying updated with the latest advancements, you can continue to refine your background customization skills and create memorable and impactful video conferencing experiences.

So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and transform your Google Meet calls into visually stunning and immersive interactions. Customize your background, set the tone, and make a lasting impression on your colleagues, clients, friends, and family.

Enjoy the power of personalization and take your Google Meet experience to new heights with custom backgrounds!

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