How to Create Breakout Rooms in Google Meet


How to Create Breakout Rooms in Google Meet

How to Create Breakout Rooms in Google Meet

Breaking up a big meeting into smaller, more manageable ones can be a great way to effectively conduct group activities among classmates or team discussions within an organization. how do we make this happen? Google Meet's breakout room feature is the answer! Breaking up a meeting into smaller groups not only allows for a more centralized discussion but can also be useful for keeping participants engaged, which can result in higher efficiency and productivity. Here, we'll provide a simple guide on how you can make the most out of using Google Meet's breakout rooms feature for your bigger meetings.


Breakout rooms are essential for a successful and organized session when the number of participants is high; helping to significantly reduce the risk of chaos and provide a smooth interaction amongst all the involved parties. To accommodate this, conventional video call conferencing apps, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, provide this feature. Google Meet, too, offers the use of breakout rooms - both through a built-in method and by the installation of a third-party browser extension.


In this article, we will provide an overview of both these approaches. And briefly discuss How to Create Breakout Rooms in Google Meet.

What is Google Meet?

Google Meet is a video-conference-calling technology that keeps distant coworkers connected in real-time. A must for professional use, it enables businesses and other organizations to come together, even if their members aren't in the same location. Standard Meet calls offer up to 25 individuals the chance to video chat simultaneously, while higher-level plans increase the limit to 50 or even 100. It's important to note, however, that not all browsers are compatible with the Meet platform. Safari won't work, and the recommended choice is Google Chrome. Accessible to all, Google Meet is an ideal choice for boosting collaboration and productivity beyond the walls of physical space.


Setting up and initiating Google Meet video conferences require a premium G Suite account. While anyone with a regular Google account can join and participate in a session, organizing one requires a subscription. Subscription rates vary, but G Suite Basic is available for $6 per month – the higher the fee, the more individuals are invited to one call. Joining a Google Meet session is simple: just enter the code provided by the event's coordinator. Anyone with a basic Google account can join and contribute, without needing to purchase any additional service.

What Is a Breakout Room?

When too many people are on a call, the sheer amount of voices can be utterly overwhelming. Thankfully, Google Meet comes with a feature called "Breakout Rooms" which makes video conferencing more manageable. Just as if it was a real classroom or office, this setting allows people to break into smaller groups and converse in shorter, more focused conversations before coming back together. All of this occurs during the same meeting. Google allows people to create up to 100 breakout rooms but suggests that moderators for large classes closely monitor who is in the breakout rooms. With this feature, video conferencing can be a more productive and less daunting experience.


Moderators are the only ones who can initiate Breakout Rooms in Google Meet, a feature that cannot be live-streamed or recorded and can only be accessed from a computer. It is noteworthy that even though Google Meet is free of charge, users with a paid, upgraded version such as Google Workspace Essentials or G Suite for Education can take advantage of the Breakout Room feature. The complexity and variation of this text are such that it is sure to keep the reader engaged.


Now, let’s understand how to create breakout rooms in Google meet

How To Use Google Breakout Rooms?

Moderators, or mods, can quickly join, edit, and leave a breakout room during a Meet session. An insightful reminder is that when the breakout room desires a moderator’s presence, a prompt will appear at the bottom of the window, allowing the mod to either select “Join” to immediately answer the call, or “Later” when the time is more suitable. It is essential to create content with both rich complexity and variance, moving between long, intricate sentences and shorter ones.


Whether you join a room right away or at any point during the conversation, a moderator can view the chat that is taking place. However, the moderator will only be able to view the chat as long as they are a part of the room. If the moderator intends to end the room in one click. He should click on the “Close room” button in the top right panel and then click on the “Close all rooms” button. The rooms will end after a 30-second window for the participants to wrap up their conversation, though for those who prefer an immediate exit, the moderator can head to the breakout rooms panel again and choose “Close rooms” to bring a swift end to the session.

Requirements to Set Up And Manage Breakout Rooms

      As the host, you must have a paid plan that includes the breakout room feature.

      Preparing your Google Meet meeting is easy - just set up a Google Calendar event with all the details.

      Invite participants to the meeting, then assign the breakout rooms in the Calendar event's Video Call Options.

      Optional features include adding co-hosts and enabling Quick Access.

      To add additional participants or switch breakout rooms, you can do that in the meeting itself.

      Ensure that Host Management is enabled to better manage the meeting.

      Opening the breakout room is a breeze, and when you're done, close them just as easily.

How To Create Breakout Rooms In Google Meet (As A Moderator)

You can create up to 100 breakout rooms in Google Meet. For teachers with a large number of students, Google recommends limiting breakout room privileges to moderators for greater control and security.


      Step 1: Begin a video conference in Google Meet. To do this, click the Activities icon located in the top right corner—the icon looks like a triangle, circle, and square.


      Step 2: To implement Breakout Rooms, click the "Breakout Rooms" button.


      Step 3: Click the "Edit" pencil icon to select the number of rooms you'd like to create.


      Step 4: Next, the participants will be allocated across the rooms. You may manually assign people to these rooms by typing in their names or using the shuffle button which randomly distributes them.


      Step 5: Finally, click "Open Rooms" in the bottom right corner to enable the Breakout Rooms.


When users enter their breakout rooms, they may seek assistance. A prompt, requiring your attention, will appear on your screen—tap "Join" to accept the call for help or "Later" to deny. If a room has requested your help, a banner indicating "Asked for help" will be displayed above the room.


You can also personalize the time allotted to each breakout room by going to the top of the breakout room window and selecting the hourglass icon. It is possible to modify or remove the time limit at any point.

How To Join, Exit, Edit, Or End All Breakout Rooms

Once you've erected your breakout rooms, you can transform them and/or plunge into them yourself. Moderators are only able to view the inside chat for the breakout room while they remain in the said area. To both the moderators and the breakout room members, note that this is an essential rule to remember.


      Joining and exiting a breakout room is as simple as selecting a room number and clicking "Join."

      To leave the same room, users can click "Leave" next to the room number.

      For those who wish to change the number of groups or their members, all they need to do is click "Edit rooms."

      To conclude the breakout room session, users can click the "Close rooms" button in the top right corner of the breakout rooms panel.

      They can then click "Close all rooms" in the pop-up window to end the session.

How To Join Breakout Rooms In Google Meet (As A Participant)

You will soon receive a notification inviting you to a special room made just for you. After breakout sessions have come to an end, a reminder will alert you that you are being returned to the primary space


      1. Connect to the call and be welcomed to the room the moderator has invited you to. Make your choice - either click "Join" to remain in the main room or "Cancel" to enter into a breakout room.


      2. If you're connecting by phone, press *2 to enter the breakout room or to return to the main room.


      3. If you're accessing the call from a computer or mobile app, press "Return to main call" at the top of the screen to return to the main room.

How to Assign Students to Breakout Rooms

When assigning students to breakout rooms, two surprisingly different methods can be employed. For those who would like to provide students with the opportunity to collaborate and pick their own topics or groups, manually assigning them during the Google Meet could be useful. Alternatively, for more structured activities, such as small group instruction in reading or math, pre-assigning students before the meeting may work best.


Regardless of how one chooses to assign students among breakout rooms, it is important to keep in mind the impact that perplexity and burstiness have on the dynamics of the meeting and the quality of the final output. With greater perplexity and burstiness, students will have the potential opportunity to learn in diverse, stimulating, and creative ways.

How To Auto/Manually Assign Students On The Fly

When you start your class, and all the students have joined the Main Google Meet Room, view the list of students and available breakout rooms by clicking on the "Assign Breakout Rooms Ad Hoc" feature.


      Whether you wish to randomly assign the students or manually drag them yourself, reach the desired selections and click the button that says, "Please click once you have the group assignments the way you want them".


      This will open options where you can copy the links to each breakout room and the list of students' room assignments.


      Once you have the links, copy them over to the meeting chat for students to access and join the appropriate breakout room.

How To Pre-Assign Students To Different Groups

      Before meeting the students, it is of paramount importance to click the "Start Class" button in the extension window for selecting the course and the number of breakout rooms.


      For pre-assigning the breakouts, it is necessary to press the button "Assign Breakouts-Pre-assign" to make a duplicate of the list having the breakout room links.


      These links have to be pasted to a different file which should consist of the student names (from the roster) belonging to their respective groups.


      These can then be shared with the students before the Google Meet or copied and pasted into the chat conversation during the assembly.


      For the "Attachments" feature to work in any Google Meet, the meeting link needs to be sourced from a Google Calendar entry.


Having your assignments (documents, slides, videos, etc.) ready to paste as ‘share links’ through the Chat in each meeting room is a great way to ensure that students receive exactly what they need without cluttering up your calendar.

How Else Can You Use Breakout Rooms?

Breakout Rooms are a great tool for creating online “center rotations”, and there are some other creative ideas to put them to use! These include using the Rooms to run simulations, host discussion circles on various topics, and even organize team meetings.


      Project collaboration – students are there to work together on a single project.


      Extra Live FAQS Session- Participants can come and ask questions, give answers to questions, and provide general support


      Assessment Monitoring- Student assessment monitoring doesn't have to be a daunting task. Staggering students and placing them in individual Breakout Rooms allows teachers to monitor their work easily -- giving them the power to observe students' screens while they're completing their tasks.


Rumors have been swirling about Google potentially launching a "Breakout" feature for their Meet service. However, there is no official word on when this will happen (or even if users will have access to it!). Therefore, this clever workaround may be the perfect solution for the time being.


The revolutionary "Google Meet Breakout Rooms" extension is an epic tool for teachers who wish to offer small group instruction in topics like math or reading. Not only that, but it's also a great way to bring group activities into your remote classroom.

The Benefits Of Using A Breakout Room

      Breakout rooms are a great way for participants to explore specific topics in-depth, creating opportunities to build relationships and benefit future collaborations.


      Not only do they let groups break away and converse, but organizers can structure these discussions in ways that best suit their needs.


      What’s more, the ability to transition between the separate rooms encourages engagement, granting better overall efficiency.


      Ultimately, with the help of a breakout room, people have a unique and interactive way to discuss whatever topics they may have - and it is always a blast to take part in the discussion.

What Can A Breakout Room Be Used For?

      Breakout rooms can be incredibly helpful in a multitude of situations - be it team-building exercises, brainstorming sessions, or informal networking.


      Whether you have an expansive virtual classroom or are facilitating a training or workshop, these individual rooms are great for breaking down large groups into smaller ones and allowing activities or exercises to take place.


      Whether you're focusing on team-building exercises, brainstorming, or something else entirely - with the proper attention paid to perplexity and burstiness, breakout rooms can make any large event more manageable.


Google Meet now offers breakout rooms – and it doesn't take long to set them up! Moreover, by incorporating the Notta app, you can level up your Google Meet experience and achieve automatic call transcription with the help of the Notta bot – a one-stop solution for joining, recording, and translating your conversations. This can help you gain valuable insight into your communication flow, and it's quicker and easier than ever before.


To learn more about the features, visit Google Meet.


Is it possible to create breakout rooms in advance in Google Meet?

Creating a breakout room in advance of a meeting is an easy task - if you have a Google Workspace account with specific editions.


In Google Meet, why don't I have breakout rooms?

Fortunately, you can still use a third-party browser extension to get the same breakout room features even with standard accounts. Creating a Google Calendar event ahead of time is the first step to kick things off.


Are breakout rooms available to participants?

Upon joining the Zoom meeting, participants are prompted to find and join a breakout room. To do so, one can click Breakout Rooms on the toolbar and make their selection from the available rooms, or request assistance from the host should they require it.


Are Breakout Rooms free?

Group meetings on Zoom can now offer customizable breakout sessions where participants can talk and share content in smaller groups, independent of the main session. Each person in the room has complete audio-video-sharing controls, giving them unlimited potential to interact and collaborate. With Zoom's free sign-in feature, anyone with an account can join a breakout room and access a broad range of potential communication capabilities.


Why does my Google Meet not have breakout rooms?

Breakout rooms, a premium feature of Google Meet, can only be accessed with a paid Google Workspace account. Those who do not have a Google Workspace Business Starter or Essentials Starter account, or even a personal Google Account, are unable to take advantage of this convenient feature.

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