How to Create a Webinar in Google Meet

 How to Create a Webinar in Google Meet

How to Create a Webinar in Google Meet

 Learn how to plan and create a webinar in Google Meet with optimized settings and effective promotion. Also learn the techniques of captivating audience engagement, which allows you to produce a genuinely participatory and memorable experience for your participants.

 Overview of Google Meet

 The development of a video conferencing platform Called Google Meet is underway at Google, and an array of features is available to support online conferences and seminars. Your ability to create webinars depends on having an active Google account and access to the platform's Meet tool.

 How To Create a Webinar In Google Meet

 Step 1: Scheduling the Webinar

 1. Log in to your Google account and navigate to Google Meet.

 2. Click on the "New Meeting" button.

 3. Click the "Schedule in Google Calendar" option in the pop-up window.

 4. Fill in the details for your webinar, including the title, date, time, and duration.

 5. Save the event, and Google Calendar will generate a unique meeting link for your webinar.

 Step 2: Customizing the Webinar Settings

 1. Access the Google Calendar event for your webinar.

 2. Click on ''edit'' in order to modify settings.

 3. Set the event to be "Public" if you want to allow anyone with the meeting link to join.

 4. Enable or turn off features like screen sharing, chat, and Q&A based on your webinar requirements.

 5. Save the changes to update the settings.

 Step 3: Inviting Participants

 1. Open the Google Calendar event for your webinar.

 2. Click on the "Add Guests" field and enter the email address of the guests you want to invite.

 3. Click the "Send" button to send out the invitations.

 4. Participants will receive an email with the webinar details and the unique meeting link.

 Step 4: Preparing the Presentation

 1. Create a compelling presentation using your preferred software, Google Slides or PowerPoint.

 2. Include engaging visuals, informative content, and a clear structure.

 3. Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth flow during the webinar.

 4. Use interactive elements like polls or live demos to enhance participant engagement.

 Step 5: Starting the Webinar

 1. Access the Google Calendar event for your webinar on the scheduled date and time.

 2. Click on the unique meeting link to join the webinar as the host.

 3. Ensure your microphone and camera are working correctly before proceeding.

 4. Click the 'Present' button to share your screen and begin the webinar.

 Step 6: Engaging with Participants

 1. Encourage participants to utilize the chat feature to ask questions or provide feedback.

 2. Conduct interactive polls or quizzes to keep participants engaged.

 3. Address questions and comments raised by participants during designated Q&A sessions.

 4. Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment to promote active participation.

 Step 7: Recording and Saving the Webinar

 1. You can record the session for future reference or sharing during the webinar.

 2. Click on the 'More options' button (three dots) at the bottom right of the screen.

 3. Select the 'Record meeting' option from the menu.

 After the meeting, your webinar will be automatically processed by google meet. And will be saved on google drive.

 Step 8: Ending the Webinar

 1. Once you have covered all the necessary content, it's time to wrap up the webinar.

 2 Thank the participants for attending and engaging with the session.

 3 encourages attendees to provide feedback or ask further questions after the webinar.

 4. Click the 'End meeting' button to conclude the webinar.

 How to Present Slides in Google Meet?

Incorporating shared slides during a virtual meeting using Google Meet can help communicate ideas effectively and involve the listeners. With these easy steps, you can learn how to present slides during your next Google Meet:

 1. Prepare Your Slides 

      To make your presentation, you can utilize different kinds of software but not limit yourself to google slides and PowerPoint.

      Your presentation will be more effective if you prepare a visually aesthetic, easily readable, and arranged set of slides.

      To prepare for the meeting, save your presentation in an easily accessible and compatible format for the chosen software.

2. Join the Google Meet Session

Use the provided link or enter an assigned code to attend a Google Meet session.

·     Check if your audio and visual settings have been set up accurately before beginning.

3. Share Your Screen

       When you join a Google Meet session, you can find the ‘’ Present’’ button in the bottom right corner of your screen.

      When given a choice between your entire screen and a window, choose the option best suited to your needs. There are two option window feature and All screen share feature.

      With an all-screen share, every visible part of your screen will be broadcasted, including all running apps and notifications.

      With the Window feature, you can choose any specific application or browser window e.g., a presentation tool for effective screen sharing.

 4. Sharing your screen 

       If you select the 'Your entire screen' option on google meet for sharing content, switch to full-screen mode before starting your presentation.

      If you want to share your window, then select'Window the' option from the toolbar menu list.

 5. Present Your Slides

 Suppose you want to ensure proper synchronization between any presentation or video recording's visual components and sound elements. In that case, it's essential that you speak audibly but not too fast or slow.

 Encourage interaction with your audience by employing techniques such as asking questions or presenting polls.

 6. Stop Sharing Your Screen

 After you have done your presentation, then stop sharing your screen by following these steps:

      Following the slide presentation, go back to Google Meet.

      At any time during your presentation, click on the stop presenting button at both the bottom right corner of your screen

These steps will enable you to present visually engaging content during your webinar or meeting on Google Meet, and it's important to rehearse your presentation beforehand so that the delivery is polished and professional.

 What are the Advantages of Google Meet?

 Break free from geographic barriers and connect with people globally to expand your audience. Imagine connecting with people from around the globe through Google Meet as you showcase your expertise.

 Join the conversation in real-time

Reject one-sided presentations and encourage interaction during your presentations with techniques like Q&A's and feedback surveys.

 Expand your network

Connect with Like-Minded People, Industry Experts, and Potential Collaborators: Webinars are a great way to expand your professional network. Expand your professional network by leveraging webinars to build valuable relationships.

AdditionalTips for Successful Webinar

 Interact with Participants

 Engaging with your audience is essential for a successful webinar. It helps maintain interest, encourages participation, and fosters a sense of community. Here are some strategies to enhance interaction with your participants:

 Q&A Sessions

       Allocate time during or after your presentation for a dedicated Q&A session.

      Encourage attendees to submit questions throughout the webinar using the chat feature or a designated Q&A tool.

      Address questions thoughtfully and comprehensively, acknowledging the person who asked the question.

       If time constraints prevent answering all questions, consider following up with attendees via email or social media.

 Polls and Surveys

a. Use polls or surveys to gather real-time feedback from your audience.

b. Incorporate polls at strategic points during your presentation to gauge understanding, gather opinions, or break up content-heavy sections.

c. Share the results of the polls with your audience to spark discussion and demonstrate that their input is valued.

Chat Features       

a. Encourage attendees to use the chat feature to share thoughts, ask questions, or interact with other participants.

b. Assign a moderator to monitor the chat and address any issues or questions.

c. share relevant links, resources, or follow-up materials in the chat.

 Breakout Rooms

a. If your webinar platform supports it, consider using breakout rooms for smaller group discussions or activities.

b. Assign participants to rooms based on their interests or expertise to facilitate meaningful conversations.

c. Reconvene the introductory session to share insights or outcomes from the breakout discussions.

Record the Webinar

Recording your webinar offers several benefits, including sharing the content with a broader audience and providing a valuable resource for attendees. Here's how to make the most of your recorded webinar:

Share the Recording

a. Distribute the recording to attendees via email or make it available on your website.

b. Offer the recording to those who registered but couldn't attend or use it as a lead magnet for future marketing efforts.

 Edit and Repurpose Content

a. Edit the recording to create shorter, focused clips that can be shared on social media or used in future presentations.

b. Repurpose the content into blog posts, articles, or other formats to maximize its value.

Analyze Engagement Metrics

a. Review the recording to identify areas where engagement was high or low. These pieces of information can be used to improve the success of future webinars.

b. Analyze audience interactions, such as questions or poll responses, to gain insights into their interests and needs.

How to record a meeting in Google Meet?

To record a webinar in Google Meet, click the three-dot menu in the bottom right corner and select "Record meeting.

A red "REC" icon will appear in the top left corner once the recording starts.

 When the webinar ends, click the three-dot menu again and select "Stop recording.

The recording will be saved to your Google Drive and can be shared or downloaded as needed

By interacting with participants and recording your webinar, you can create a more engaging experience and extend the value of your content beyond the live event.

 Different Strategies to Promote a Webinar

Effectively promoting your webinar is crucial for attracting a larger audience and ensuring its success. Here are some strategies to help you spread the word about your upcoming webinar:

 1. Social Media Marketing

      Create eye-catching graphics and promotional materials to share on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram

      Use relevant hashtags and tag influencers or industry leaders to increase visibility.

      Schedule multiple posts leading up to the event to remind your followers and maintain interest.

      Encourage your followers to share the event with their networks.

      Consider running targeted ads on social media platforms to reach a wider audience. 

2. Email Marketing

       Send personalized invitations to your email list, highlighting the benefits of attending the webinar.

      Create a series of reminder emails leading up to the event, including a final reminder on the webinar day.

       Segment your email list to target specific groups with tailored messaging.

       Encourage recipients to forward the invitation to colleagues or friends who may be interested.

 3. Website Promotion

       Create a dedicated landing page for your webinar with a clear call-to-action (CTA) for registration.

      Feature the webinar prominently on your homepage or in a blog post.

      Use pop-ups or banners to draw attention to the event.

      Optimize the landing page for search engines to increase organic traffic.

 4. Collaborate with Partners or Influencers

      Partner with industry influencers or complementary businesses to co-host or promote the webinar.

      Leverage their networks to expand your reach and credibility.

       Offer exclusive content or incentives for their audience to encourage registration.

 5. Press Releases and Industry Forums

       Write and distribute a press release announcing your webinar to relevant media outlets and industry publications

       Share the event in industry forums, discussion boards, or online communities where your target audience will likely be active.

 6. Webinar Directories

       Submit your webinar to online directories or list websites promoting webinars and virtual events.

       Ensure your listing includes a compelling title, description, and registration link.

 7. Networking and Personal Outreach

      Leverage your personal and professional networks to spread the word about your webinar.

      Contact colleagues, clients, or industry contacts interested in attending or sharing the event with their networks.

 8. Paid Advertising

        Consider using paid advertising channels like Google Ads or sponsored content on industry websites to reach a larger audience.

       Target your ads to specific demographics, interests, or keywords related to your webinar topic.

 By using a combination of these promotional strategies, you can effectively reach your target audience and increase attendance for your webinar. Remember to track the performance of each marketing channel to refine your approach for future events.


In conclusion, hosting a successful webinar in Google Meet involves several key steps, including setting up the event, configuring the settings, and promoting the event effectively. Preparing engaging presentation materials and practicing your delivery is essential to ensure a smooth and professional experience.

 Audience engagement is crucial for a successful webinar, so interact with participants through Q&A sessions, polls, chat features, and other interactive elements.

 Recording your webinar allows you to share the content with a broader audience and repurpose it for future marketing efforts.

 By following this guide, you'll be well-equipped to explore the possibilities of hosting webinars on Google Meet for your specific needs.

 Whether you're an educator, business owner, or organization leader, webinars can be a powerful tool for sharing knowledge, connecting with your audience, and promoting your brand.


 Is the Google Meet webinar free?

 Google Meet offers a free version with basic features, which can be used for webinars. However, the free version has a 60-minute time limit per meeting. You may need to upgrade to a paid Google Workspace plan for longer webinars or additional features.

 How do I create a webinar meeting?

 To create a webinar meeting, follow these steps:

 1. Go to Google Meet ( and sign in to your Google account.

 2. Tap on the "New meeting" button and choose "Schedule in Google Calendar." Tab

 3. In Google Calendar, create a new event and add a title, date, and time for your webinar.

 4. Add guests by entering their email addresses, or make the event public by selecting "Anyone with the link can join."

 5. Customize the event settings, such as turning the video on or off and adding a description.

 6. Save the event and share the Google Meet link with your attendees.

 Does Google have a webinar feature?

 While Google Meet does not have a dedicated webinar feature, it can be used effectively for hosting webinars by utilizing its video conferencing capabilities. You can present slides, share your screen, and interact with participants through chat and Q&A features.

 To create a free webinar, you can use the accessible version of Google Meet or explore other free webinar platforms, such as Zoom or Cisco Webex. Remember that free versions may have limitations, such as time restrictions or reduced features.

 How to plan a webinar?

To plan a webinar step by step, follow these guidelines:

1. Define your webinar topic and objectives.

2. Choose a suitable date and time for your target audience.

3. Select a webinar platform, such as Google Meet.

4. Create a registration process and promote your webinar using various marketing channels.

5. Prepare engaging presentation materials and practice your delivery.

6. Set up and test your technical equipment, including audio, video, and screen sharing.

7. Host the webinar, interact with participants, and record the session for future use.

8. Follow up with attendees, analyze engagement metrics, and use the insights to improve future webinars.

 Can I charge participants to attend my webinar on Google Meet?

 Google Meet doesn't offer built-in payment options for webinars. However, you can use external platforms to handle registration and payments.

 Can I share my screen during the webinar?

 Google Meet allows you to share your screen with participants. You can choose to share your entire screen or specific windows or applications.

 How can I ensure a stable internet connection during the webinar?

 To ensure a stable internet connection, close unnecessary applications, connect to a reliable network, and consider using a wired internet connection instead of Wi-Fi.

 Can I host webinars with multiple presenters in Google Meet?

 Yes, Google Meet supports multiple presenters. You can invite co-hosts or guest speakers to join and contribute to the webinar.

 Can participants join the webinar without a Google account?

Yes, participants can join a Google Meet webinar even if they don't have a Google account. They can access the webinar using the unique meeting link provided to them.

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