How To Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working


How To Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working

How To Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working

Have you ever been in a scenario where you are unable to share audio via Google Meet? In this blog post, we will show you exactly how you can fix Google Meet Audio not working

Google Meet Audio may not work for a variety of reasons which include a faulty microphone, muted sound volume, outdated sound driver, and other reasons

In this blog post, you will learn how to fix Google Meet Audio not working

In recent years, Google Meet is an amazing platform for meetings. Be it business meetings, family or friends meetings. This is because it has a user-friendly interface and it is easy to use and access. An appropriate number of its users complain that Google Meet audio is not working

In this article, you will learn everything about How to Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working. After discussing fixes, we will also discuss some reasons why Google Meet audio might not work properly.

Different Ways To Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working Issue

Fix 1-Make Primary Checks


Before talking about technical fixes, we must ensure that we check some basic things which might be the reason for Google Meet Audio not working. Check whether your microphone is muted or your device's internet connection is okay. These basic checks allow you to detect and fix these issues more easily

To make a primary check, follow the below steps:

1.     Create or Join a meeting

2.     Tap on the "three dots" icon and look for the "setting" option.

3.     Check the basic settings of your microphone and speaker, which you will use during the meeting.

4.     You can use  the "test option," to check if your microphone and speaker are in perfect condition

Fix #2: Check Your Web Browser and Application Permissions


You should check if your web browser or Google Meet application is permitted to access audio on your device. If Google Meet is not permitted to access Audio, you will be unable to share audio via Google Meet

To check if your Web Browser can access your device's microphone and speakers follow the steps outlines below

Step 1: Open your Web Browser

Step 2: Tap on the three dots icon in your web browser

Step 3: Locate and tap on the setting panel

Step 4: Locate and tap on the site setting panel

Step 5: Navigate to the microphone panel

Step 6: Check if websites are allowed to use your device's microphone

Step 7: Tap on the Allow website to use your device microphone button

Step 8: Navigate to the additional content setting

Step 9: Locate and tap on the sound panel

Step 10: Tap on the Allow Website to use Device sound

Fix #3 Check Your Device Volume Setting


It is essential to know that one of the reasons why Google Meet Audio might not work might be because you have muted your device's sound. Follow the steps outlined below to check if your device sound is muted on Window

1.     Tap on the volume icon in the taskbar of your Window operating system

2.     Tap on the mixer link to see the volume of your device speaker and application sound

3.     Drag the slider up to increase your device and application volume

4.     Ensure that your Sound is not muted

5.     Tap on the sound icon to mute or unmute your device's sound

Fix #4 Check If Google Meet Can Access You Microphone


Sometimes Google Meet might be unable to access your microphone. This is the most common issue responsible for Google Meet audio not working. Follow the steps outlined below to check if Google Meet can access your Microphone

1.     Create or Join a meeting

2.     Navigate to the "Lock icon" in the Google Chrome search bar.

3.     Turn on the Microphone

4.     Tap on the three dots,

5.     Tap on the setting option

6.     Choose your microphone

7.     Confirm that your microphone is working

Fix #5: Update Sound Drivers


Outdated sound drivers on your device might be the reason for Google Meet Audio not working. It is necessary to update your sound driver to fix these issues

To update drivers you can use the device manager or update your driver through the manufacturer's website

DriverPack is a great option when it comes to updating your Driver on Window

Fix #6 Restart Your Device


After running basic checks and taking the necessary actions to fix any issues found, it is essential to restart your device.

Fix #7 Update your device's Operating System


You can install window updates through the internet or reinstall your Operating system

Why does the Google Meat Audio Not Working Issue Occur?

The Microphone May Be Damaged Or Not Working Efficiently


You may use another platform other than Google Meet to test your microphone. You can use the sound recorder application in your device to record sound and see if everything goes well

You may follow this process to do so.

1.     Record some sounds using a sound recorder.

2.     To record audio, tap the Start button and "record."

3.     Save and play the recording file

4.     Based on your result, you can conclude if your microphone is working efficiently or not

Google Meet Might Restrict Your Microphone


Your web browser or device might be blocking Google Meet from accessing your device's sound and audio. This may be because you haven’t granted Google Meet permission to access your device's audio

On Android


1.     On your Android device Navigate to the Settings Application

2.     Navigate to the All Application menu

3.     Tap on Google Meet

4.     Click on permissions and check that Google Meet is allowed to use the default mic to record audio.

5.     If it is disabled, simply enable it, This solves your issue

On iPhone


1.     Navigate to the setting Application on your iPhone device

2.     Locate the Privacy and Security option in Settings.

3.     Open the microphone settings.

4.     Here, you can find which apps microphone is allowed to record audio.

5.     Locate Google Meet and turn it on.

6.     Now Google Meet can use your iPhone's microphone.

On Windows


If you are using Windows, you also may face differences in the interface.

1.     Navigate to your Web browser setting

2.     Tap on the permission tab

3.     Tap Allow all websites to use a microphone

4.     Save your changes

On Mac


1.     Navigate to the system and preferences tab

2.     Find the privacy and security option.

3.     Choose the privacy option.

4.     Click the lock icon, which can be found on the bottom side of the screen.

5.     Find the microphone option and check its permissions.

6.     Find Google Meet and allow it to get access to the microphone.

Your Browser Might Not Have Access To Your Device Microphone

This issue only arises when you are using a web browser. This is because you have to configure your web browser to use the microphone connected to your device.

To check your browser's configuration, follow these steps.

1.     Open the Google Chrome Web Browser: Tap on the Chrome web browser icon located on the desktop or taskbar of your device

2.     Navigate to the Web Browser Setting Page: Tap on the three dots and click on the setting tab

3.     Tap on the Site Setting Tab: Click on the search bar in the setting page, type site setting and click on the search result with the site setting 

4.     Locate the microphone in the Permission Panel Scroll down and click on the microphone tab in the permission section

5.     Change the Microphone device if necessary: Find your microphone device name and click on it to change it

6.     Tap on the Site can ask to use the microphone option: Ensure that you do not block the website from using your device's microphone

7.     Save changes and reload your Meet Page


Your Microphone Settings May Need Optimization

Ensure that the microphone selected in Google Meet is the right one. Here is how to check how

You must follow these steps to check which microphone is connected to your Meet.

1.     Navigate to Google Meet

2.     Tap on three dots.

3.     Tap on the settings option

4.     Find the audio option and take a look at the listed microphone. You will find all available microphones.

5.     Select the microphone you intend to use.

How To Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working On Windows 10?

Here are some tips to fix Google Meet Not Working on Windows 10

1.     Update your Sound Card Driver

2.     Turn off the Background application using your microphone

3.     Restart your device

4.     Install a good antivirus such as Quick Heal or Bull Guard to protect your PC from malware and Viruses


How To Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working On Windows 11?

Are you unable to use Google Meet Audio on your Windows 11 Operating System, if yes try these tips?

Update your Sound Drivers

To update your Sound drivers, Right click on my computer and click on the setting button. Next, tap on the device manager and locate the sound drive tab. Click on the update driver button to update your sound diver

Update your Window Operating System

Connect your device to the internet and click on the check for update button in the Control panel. A new Update will be downloaded and installed

Ensure that your Microphone is well connected to your device

Check that your microphone connecting cable is well-fitted to the receiving ports. Also, ensure that your device has detected your microphone

Use the window troubleshooter

Open the Window troubleshooter to find any issues that may be interfering with your device audio. Once found, follow the screen instruction to fix those issues

Check Web Browser Setting

Ensure that your web browser can access and use your device's audio, sound, and microphone

What Should I Do When None Of These Methods Resolves My Microphone Problem?

Here are some other steps that you can try if none of these troubleshooting methods resolves your microphone problem in Google Meet:

Double-check all hardware connections


Make sure that your microphone and computer are properly connected. To ensure a solid connection, disconnect and reconnect the microphone. Try a different mic or use your microphone on another computer to see if it's the microphone or your setup.

Test on a different platform


If the problem persists, try using your microphone with a different platform or application for video conferencing. This will help you determine if your problem is Google Meet-specific or a more general microphone issue.

Update your operating system


Update your operating system with the latest updates. Some applications, like Google Meet, may not function properly. Upgrade your operating system to the latest version.

Contact Google Meet Support


You may need to contact Google Meet Support for additional assistance if you've exhausted all other troubleshooting methods and still have microphone problems in Google Meet. They can offer specific advice and troubleshooting ways to fix the Google Meet audio not working issue.

Seek professional help


It may be necessary to contact a professional if the problem persists after you've tried every possible solution. A computer technician or audio expert can help diagnose any hardware or software problems causing the microphone issue.

Can I Use An External Microphone In Google Meet?

You can use an external mic in Google Meet. An external microphone will often improve your audio clarity and quality during meetings. External microphones are available in many types, including USB and headset microphones.

Follow these steps to use an external mic in Google Meet:

1.     Connect the external mic to your computer or other device. USB microphones are plugged straight into a USB port. Headset microphones have separate audio and mic jacks, which must be connected to the correct ports.

2.     Check that your computer recognizes an external microphone. Verify that the external microphone has been detected in your system settings and is set as the default input device.

3.     Create or Join a meeting

4.     Click on the microphone icon at the bottom-left corner of Google Meet before joining the meeting. The list of microphones will appear.

5.     Choose the external microphone you want to use from the list. Select the external microphone by name or description to make it active in Google Meet.

6.     If necessary, adjust the microphone settings. To optimize audio levels, use the volume controls of the external microphone.

Conclusion- How To Fix Google Meet Audio Not Working?

A functional microphone is essential in today's digital world, where remote communication and collaboration are increasing globally. Platforms like Google Meet allows us to actively participate in virtual meetings and contribute ideas. It also enables effective collaboration with others. Microscopic issues can be frustrating, and they can disrupt communication. The troubleshooting steps in this guide can help you resolve issues related to Google Meet Audio Not Working

When troubleshooting microphone issues, it is important to take a systematic approach. This may include checking hardware connections and updating drivers. It may take some time to determine the cause of the problem. You can resolve microphone issues and improve your online meeting experience by adhering to best practices and using the available resources, including official documentation and support channels.

It is possible and easy for humans in today's world to participate actively in virtual meetings, engage in conversation, and confidently share their ideas through Google Meet. You can make the most of online collaboration tools such as Google Meet by resolving microphone problems. Use the troubleshooting steps to ensure clear audio for your virtual interactions.


Google Meet does not fetch my microphone. What should I do if my microphone doesn't work?

If your microphone works fine in other apps but not Google Meet, there's probably a compatibility problem with the platform. Make sure you have selected the correct microphone in your Google Meet settings. Restart your browser and clear your cookies and cache. Check the microphone permissions on Google Meet.

Why is my Google Meet microphone too quiet?

You can increase the volume of your microphone in the system settings if it is too quiet. To adjust the input volume, right-click on the speaker icon in the taskbar. Select "Open Sound Settings." Mac users can adjust the input volume by going to System Preferences and clicking on Sound. Select the "Input Tab" in the "Sound" section. Also, ensure that your microphone is correctly positioned and is not blocked by anything.

What causes my microphone to produce an echo or feedback?

It could be that your speakers' or other participants' audio is causing an echo on your microphone. Try using headphones or earphones to avoid the microphone picking up sound.

Can I test my microphone before joining a Google Meet?

You can test your microphone before you join a Google Meet session. Google Meet has a built-in feature to test your microphone. Go to Google Meet settings and click the "Audio tab," then select "Test microphone" To test your microphone, follow the instructions on the screen to record sample audio and play it back.

How can I improve the audio quality of Google Meet?

Use a compatible microphone. External USB headsets and microphones offer a better audio experience than built-in ones. Also, ensure you're in a quiet area with minimal background sound. You can improve the audio quality by adjusting the Google Meet microphone settings and moving the microphone closer to your mouth.

Can I use a mobile device for audio in Google Meet?

Yes, you can use a mobile device for audio in Google Meet. Google Meet allows you to use the built-in microphone of your mobile device for audio. You must grant microphone permissions for the Google Meet mobile app. You should use headphones or earphones that have a microphone built in to improve audio quality and reduce background sound during Google Meet sessions.

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